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"Lisa Blackman reminds us that our physical symptoms are often expressions of our internal emotional issues. Getting insights and answers from her from Divine guidance, she shows us how getting to these understandings can propel us toward healing and health, noting that our true healing is our remembrance of our innate identity as part of what we call God. I highly recommend THE METAPHYSICIAN WITHIN to all who want more health and happiness."

Lisa's long experience as an intuitive and spiritual healer has led her to the creation of this fascinating and instructive book. It will serve as an excellent guide to self-healing and an invaluable adjunct to more conventional approaches to the understanding and treatment of disease, including mainstream medical practice." - Warren Steinberg, MD, Internal Medicine, Westport, CT.

Lisa Blackman's insights have added an invaluable clarity to my clinical work, teaching and my personal life.
The MetaPhysican Within is an illuminating guide for the mind and spirit." - Cyndy Boyd PhD
"Lisa Blackman's book shows us, step by step, how to access the power to truly heal ourselves!" - Margaret Will's PhD
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Internal Medicine, Westport,
No matter how long you have been suffering or living with symptoms and conditions of mind, body and spirit you can heal and transform your life. Why? Because every one of these symptoms and conditions are a part of your story - one that desires and needs to be read. In reality, they are your unseen equipment and Divine messages that can be decoded to aid your soul and elevate your spirit. The MetaPhysician Within decodes your symptoms for you - identifying the Divine reasons behind your physical, mental and emotional challenges and conditions while providing spiritual guidance, insights and easy-to-follow tools for self-healing and transformation. There is reason for your suffering and this book clearly states that Voice of Reason leading you more and more to the remembrance and rediscovery of your Godself as you work with its teachings and concepts.

The MetaPhysician Within is a reference for healing and spiritual guidebook that reveals with full-scope the shadow side of illness. The essays in this book will hold a torch and light a flame within your soul that will help you to fully awaken, activate and achieve the MetaPhysician Within you! As you call upon the wisdom of The MetaPhysician Within, you heal your spirit. When you heal your spirit, you heal your mind, body and life. You can then live freely and unencumbered as your divine nature, manifest the true dreams of your soul and ultimately, achieve your destiny.

Awaken The MetaPhysician Within and Heal Yourself!
The MetaPhysician Within is a call to freedom - a call to life and a healing of the body, mind and spirit
. It will empower you to heal yourself
. It will open your cosmic doors wide open so you can see the magnitude of your creation
. The MetaPhysician Within is a force waiting to be reckoned with
. The MetaPhysician Within will connect you quickly to your higher self and solidify your connection with the Divine
. It is a source for transmutation and enlightenment
. It is a bible of love and healing
You can heal yourself and this book will show you how!

Lessons from The MetaPhysician Within

. Learn to love and parent yourself with spiritual maturity
. Look more deeply within so you can see the Godself more clearly
. Create deep soul connections with self and others
. Transmute self-inflicted pain into unconditional love
. Reveal and surrender areas of control in your life
. Cultivate boundaries, protection, and self-preservation
. Access love on the deepest levels
. Develop true spiritual independence
. Learn to lighten up, be playful, and eliminate judgment
. Listen more to the voice of the soul and make conscious connection to the Divine
. Learn how to calm your body down with your own hands
. Bring intelligence and wisdom to consciousness and share it with others
. Make a concrete plan in order to achieve the best and most out of life
. Open up honestly more to self and others.
. Go within to find your own answers
. Learn to recognize the shadow side of the world
. Shine in your Divine light and discover your true purpose
. Learn how to bless situations for spiritual healing to take root and grow




Lisa's long experience as an intuitive and spiritual healer has led her to the creation of this fascinating and instructive book. It will serve as an excellent guide to self-healing and an invaluable adjunct to more conventional approaches to the understanding and treatment of disease, including mainstream medical practice." - Warren Steinberg, MD, Internal Medicine, Westport, CT.

"Most of us have been looking for health in all the wrong places. When the body is ailing, we take a pill. When the mind is muddled, we call a therapist. When we eat right and exercise and take vitamins and still don't feel right, we realize something must be missing. Lisa Blackman's book on metaphysical healing helps us understand that the answers are all within, and shows us, step by step, how to access the power to truly heal." - Margaret Will, PhD

"Lisa Blackman reminds us that our physical symptoms are often expressions of our internal emotional issues. Getting insights and answers from her from Divine guidance, she shows us how getting to these understandings can propel us toward healing and health, noting that our true healing is our remembrance of our innate identity as part of what we call God. I highly recommend THE METAPHYSICIAN WITHIN to all who want more health and happiness."

"The MetaPhysician Within is an illuminating guide for the mind and spirit. Lisa's insights have added an invaluable clarity to my clinical work, teaching and my personal life." - Cyndy Boyd, PhD

“This book is phenomenal and powerful…concise and completely accurate. It is a treasure and has become a companion to me. The more I read it the more it helps not only me, but those around me that I love to heal and understand that which our souls are speaking. The MetaPhysician Within gives us the tools to heal ourselves and with such compassion speaks to you as if Lisa was sitting with you guiding you and helping you to heal. So much depth lies in this book that one is drawn to re-read it over and over again and share it with everyone." - Michelle S, South Africa

Excellent Read! If you're looking for a lasting way to unite body, mind and soul, this book is a must read. Full of words to inspire a healthy, happy relationship with the self and others. I found The MetaPhysician Within to be such a useful read, full of wisdom to carry with the self through all of life's struggles.- Lauren C, California

Truly Enlightening! I discovered The Metaphysician Within at time in my life when I truly needed the guidance and strength to heal both physical and emotional suffering. The beautiful introduction is written in such a way as to bring peace and comfort as the journey to healing begins. The format of the book allows for a natural flow and quick reference if you need a quick reminder during stressful periods. The Metaphysician Within is beautifully written and illustrated. A must have for anyone seeking comfort, healing and inspiration." - Carrie V, Connecticut

“Outstanding book … simply amazing, profound!" - Brian F, Connecticut

" The MetaPhysician Within explores a groundbreaking approach to healing. With insight from a physical and meta-physical perspective, Ms. Blackman provides practical and spiritual guidance to genuine treatment and relief from a wide variety of illnesses and conditions. This book brings healing to a whole new level, with comfort to anyone seeking to understand more about their wellness." - Michael G, Canada

"Lisa Blackman writes to touch your soul where all healing begins. The MetaPhysician Within is a bible to transform and enlighten your life. This is a must-read for all who believe in the power of your thoughts." - Barbara D, Connecticut

"The Metaphysician Within is a total inspiration to humanity - I love it - so informative and love the photography! A must have!" - Denise S, Connecticut

" I am reading your book and cannot believe how the ailments that I suffer from (being overweight, sinusitis, and problems with panic and anxiety) are exactly what you have written. I feel like it was meant for me to read your book, as if you wrote parts of it just for me!" - Melissa B, Connecticut

"When you pick up The Metaphysician Within you will be immediately drawn to the chapter or chapters that address your issues. After reading and rereading your section you will feel that Lisa knows you, understands you and can help guide you down the road toward wellness. But don’t stop there! Every chapter offers you the opportunity to grow and gain a greater understanding of yourself. In The Metaphysician Within Lisa Blackman offers her unique insight through her special abilities as a spiritual healer in a very accessible presentation. Even the most cynical will believe when they find their innermost soul revealed and comforted. Lisa’s relationship with Spirit and the Divine fill her with the pure ability to view problems and people at their core and offer her positive, loving counsel. Your life will be enriched for having read and experienced this book." - Pamela N, New York

The quality of the information, healing, creativity and love shared in The MetaPhysician Within is amazing! Lisa gives us the tools to explore, heal ourselves and create a healing practice as we meet the "The Metaphysician Within". I highly recommend this book!" Andrea H, California
“ The MetaPhysician Within is truly inspiring! I'm working to let go of so many things and find the ability to heal my body and soul and share the God inspired love within me! Thank you for sharing your insights with the world!” - Stephanie S, Ohio

"My Life has changed dramatically because of the amazing metaphysical insights and healing energy Lisa offers.” - Carla W, Arizona

"So excited Lisa's book is finally out! She read me her insights on Lyme disease about a year ago and it was quite an eye opener. I've already downloaded it to my Kindle and am really looking forward to delving deeper into the wisdom she has brought forth! Thank you, Lisa for all you do!" - Kim T, Virginia

"The MetaPhysician Within is brilliant and without peer. This groundbreaking work is uniquely written and easy to understand. The essays are a great way to help you to heal conditions that you personally are experiencing or to better understand and deal with those you love and/ or care for who are suffering in any way. This is not a one time read but rather is a reference book for healing that can provide you with new insights each time you pick it up whether you have a particular symptom or not. Incredibly accurate and a must read.” - Richard B, Connecticut

"After reading Lisa's metaphysical essay on breast cancer I was stunned by the psycho-spiritual significance of the information! I have Crohn's disease and use The MetaPhysician for my own healing." - Karen A, New York

“I met Lisa in June and was instantly drawn to her kindness and charm. When she told me her interest was in healing and that she had just finished writing her book, The Metaphysician Within. I wanted to read it immediately. I was mesmerized! The book shed light on the anatomy of illnesses that plagued people near and dear to me. I recommend this book to anyone struggling to understand the emotional anatomy of illness. In understanding the depths of these emotions, we may effectively reprogram ourselves to self-love and healing. Lisa radiates warmth that is restorative, and that comes across when you meet her. Her book is an extension of her boundless energy and healing." Jill.O, New Jersey

"I was lucky enough to meet personally with Lisa and to follow up my meeting with reading through her book. There are multiple issues and ailments I am dealing with (like everyone, its never just one thing!), and talking to Lisa about the blockages to spiritual healing and then reading about some of these things in her book lead to a fountain of unleashed creativity and confidence for the months following my meeting and receiving her book. Thank you Lisa – everyone should become more aware of looking at their ailments outside of doctor visits!" - Sherry P, Connecticut

The MetaPhysician Within is spiritual medicine…I keep it handy on my iPhone and use it to help myself and others all the time!" - Ewelina S, Poland

The MetaPhysician Within is amazing…this book is a treasure! Thank you very much for sending it into the world. The more I read it, the more I understand that each metaphysical essay has something to offer anyone…I read it daily!" - El, The Netherlands

More than a diagnostic tool and a means for gaining new understanding about one's body, The Metaphysician Within represents a new and marvelous way of seeing the metaphysical in the physical. This way of seeing and being comes through from a heart anchored firmly in love and a deeply intuitive mind." – Jim, Maryland